See oli pikalt planeeritud budaarisessioon, et pildid ikka õigeks ajaks valmis saaks ja üks vallatu kingitus armsamale tähtpäeval üle anda. Alati, kui sessioone pikalt ette tehakse küsin, et kas jõutakse ikka õiget päeva ära oodata? Et kuidas nad küll suudavad. Tuleb välja et tavaliselt ei suudagi. Vahel oleks vaja olnud oodata vaid üks öö aga elevus on olnud suur ja oma kingi on saaja kätte saanud planeeritust varem. Ma ise olen muidugi samasugune. Ükskõik millega tegu siis […]
Soon these beautiful souls will be parents to a beautiful baby. Waiting for your first child could be a little bit scary- you do not know what to expect, what is your life going to be from that moment when the baby will be born and all the doubts, decicions, fears that take over… well you shall not worry ahead. Enjoy your pregnancy and take everything step by step. All your baby needs is you! Wishing the […]
Sometimes I get asked, why oh why people are getting boudoir shoots done? Why do they do it and what will they do with the pictures? Me at the same time do not understand the question! Because when I meet with all these beautiful women, we talk, I get to know them I always ask why did they decide to do a boudoir shoot andwhy they chose me. Well most of the times well almost 100% of the times […]
This session was a gift to a wonderful woman from her best friends. The whole thing was held in secret till the very last minute. Thankfully Miss P went along with it and enjoyed everything. We had some great moments in my studio and I had an oppurtunity to capture the true beauty of her. See konkreetne sessioon oli üllatuskingiks kallitelt sõbrannadelt. Kõik oli organiseerijatel hästi planeeritud ja läbi mõeldud. Tõld, tundmatu kutsariga tõi […]
I am looking for a strong, confident and feminine woman for my boudoir session. If you feel that it is you then contact me please. The photos will be used for promotional purpose! Tere tere, otsin julget, enesekindlat ja naiselikku modelli Buduaaripildistamiseks. Pilte kasutan oma reklaammaterjalides, samuti oma kodulehel ja muudes sotsiaalmeedia kanalites. Kui oled tingimustega nõus ning soovid endale kinkida unustamatu kogemuse siis võta minuga julgelt ühendust.
The other day I started to think- so who these women really are who come to see me and who let me take their boudoir and nude photographs. They are not models, rich people nor actresses- they are just real women. Women next door. Mums and wives, managers and teachers – they are women who think that it is OK to have some time of their own, pamper themselves and they do give themselves the gift to feel and look […]
End of Estonian summer brought us some nice and warm weather and I had a beauty like that coming for a shoot. Well like always the day of the shoot was a bit cold and windy. At the same time it is good though- there are no people on the beach and we can get creative. We had fun. I am so grateful of having such an amazing clients, who literally rock on every shoot! This is just a joy […]
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