beach boudoir
Oh, kuidas mul on vedanud oma õpilastega, nad on kõik lihtsalt nii positiivsed ja ägedad ning õpihimulised. Hetkel on minu käe all õppimas ja praktilisi teadmisi ammutamas kolmeliikmeline grupp, erinevatest Eestimaa otstest. Kui esimesel koolitusel õppisime kasutama stuudiovälke siis sel korral saime kokku ja pildistasime naturaalse valgusega portreed ja ranna buduaari. Eks see buduaariteema on ikka see kõige hingelähedasem ja tundub, et ka paljude minu õpilaste lemmik žanr. Alustasime oma koolitusega õhtul kell 19:00 ja kui […]
The other day I started to think- so who these women really are who come to see me and who let me take their boudoir and nude photographs. They are not models, rich people nor actresses- they are just real women. Women next door. Mums and wives, managers and teachers – they are women who think that it is OK to have some time of their own, pamper themselves and they do give themselves the gift to feel and look […]
End of Estonian summer brought us some nice and warm weather and I had a beauty like that coming for a shoot. Well like always the day of the shoot was a bit cold and windy. At the same time it is good though- there are no people on the beach and we can get creative. We had fun. I am so grateful of having such an amazing clients, who literally rock on every shoot! This is just a joy […]
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